Monday, April 6, 2009

Do we REALLY need to study this so closely?

Simply analyzing the tactical engagements that occurred over the 34 days of direct contact between Israel and Hezbollah doesn't serve either side of the COIN/Conventional debate well. Israel's long term policies and actions built Hezbollah. The particular situation within Lebanon created the conditions under which an organization like Hezbollah could grow and thrive. If the U.S. thinks it makes sense to invade another country without our own security being gravely at risk, then we haven't learned our own set of lessons from Iraq. 

Let's figure that one out before we spend too much time picking apart 34 days of fighting between two entities that have been battling each other for years.

1 comment:

dkearns72 said...


--Tim F.

{From our very own co-author!}